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Connected to a worldwide movement

- What Membership in The Mother Church means to me

Vividly I remember the moment many years ago when I put my name on my membership application for The Mother Church. Suddenly I felt connected to this worldwide movement. That grand view has never left me. Highlights of membership were several visits to Annual Meetings of The Mother Church, including the Annual Meeting and Conference in Berlin in 2003. It has been my privilege to support and pray for all the workers at The Mother Church. 

Membership in The Mother Church has helped me to better serve my branch church, as most offices at our church require Mother Church membership. I have enjoyed teaching Sunday School, serving as First and Second Reader, and working in the Reading Room. And in all this the Manual of The Mother Church has been a precious guide. 

What spiritual progress serving church has brought me, and how many healings! I remember one especially. It was a very cold winter morning when I came to church as First Reader. I was constantly coughing. The Second Reader was already there. She looked up from her book and said, “God can also heal a small thing.” I was stunned. What? It seemed such a big thing to me. I felt as if the air went out of a balloon. All fear was gone. Needless to say, the two services in German and English went well, without any coughing, and I was full of joy and gratitude.

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