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'A productive, inspiring course'

- What Membership in The Mother Church means to me

Although I spent most of my childhood as a student in the Christian Science Sunday School, I never gave any thought to joining The Mother Church. The idea was probably presented to me by my teachers at some point, and perhaps if my mother had been a member of The Mother Church while I was growing up, she would have encouraged me to become one, too. 

It wasn’t until my first year of employment at The Christian Science Publishing Society in Boston that, with encouragement from the assistant manager in the department where I was working, I began to give serious thought to taking this step. Although I had no clear picture of what Mother Church membership might mean in my experience, I innately knew that whatever it was would be good. 

I applied before the next admission date in June 1952—incidentally, that’s also when my mother applied! Shortly after being accepted, I was presented with the opportunity to usher at Annual Meeting. While welcoming hundreds of members of The Mother Church from all over the world, I felt as though I had joined an army of individuals committed to serving mankind spiritually. Added to that was the opportunity to further my own spiritual growth. 

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