Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
During the late 1970s I was struggling through a difficult time. My family situation required that I go back to work after almost twenty years as a homemaker and mother.
In Christian Science we learn that there is only one Mind, God, and that we are the expression of that Mind—not governed by a mortal mentality. I knew the first part (only one Mind), but when I started a new work engagement helping a customer team I hadn’t worked with before, I was reminded of the second part—of what the truth of God’s nature means for us.
When I was a young girl, I was diagnosed with rheumatic fever. Although I survived the illness, there were debilitating aftereffects that included long periods of pain and immobility in which I couldn’t walk.
As we navigate the waters of daily life, we sometimes find ourselves in front of an obstacle that seems insurmountable. We may feel we don’t have enough in our spiritual “gas tank” of inspiration.
This is a lesson about an ear, a toe, and the unopposable power of Love. Divine Love is the impetus that renders divine Truth effective—universally, impartially, instantaneously.
There is a theory that individuals are governed largely by their subconsciousness. This subconsciousness is supposedly an aspect of our minds that we are not totally aware of and whose function includes protecting us from harm and sustaining our life physically.
“Take away the spiritual signification of Scripture, and that compilation can do no more for mortals than can moonbeams to melt a river of ice” ( Science and Health, p. 241 ).
My son has an exceptional awareness and understanding of birds. Often when we’re outside, he’ll say, “Did you hear that?” And when I respond that I heard a lawn mower, children playing, or a dog barking, he’ll answer with something like, “No, I mean the black-throated green warbler!” I’ve learned that while he is also hearing the sounds I’m hearing, he isn’t distracted by them.
As a teacher , my colleagues and I use rubrics to measure and assess our students’ work. A rubric is a guide or a chart that lists criteria and shows students how to do well on an assignment.
How do you identify yourself? Even though many people think of their core identity as being spiritual, in everyday life we often identify ourselves in terms of our physicality. Passports, for example, require a photo of someone in order for the passport to be an acceptable identification document for that individual.