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Spiritual Short

The infinite source of inspiration

From the January 2017 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As we navigate the waters of daily life, we sometimes find ourselves in front of an obstacle that seems insurmountable. We may feel we don’t have enough in our spiritual “gas tank” of inspiration.

Of course, the notion that we can be lacking in our ability to receive inspiration or be running on empty is untrue. Our true source of supply is never fuller than it was yesterday or will be tomorrow; it is always completely full. Referring to man, Mary Baker Eddy states, “Spirit is his primitive and ultimate source of being; …” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 63). Therefore, because God, infinite Spirit, is our source, our spiritual resources are unlimited, always have been, and always will be.

Recently, I faced a problem that seemed rather daunting, and I found myself wondering if my spiritual well was running dry. As I was reaching out for new inspiration, I recalled how my parents would sometimes give me chores to do that would result in a weekly or monthly allowance of money. This got me thinking about how God, as our Father-Mother, is the real and only source of what we truly need. This doesn’t mean that God rewards us for doing certain things. But as we pray to know God better and to demonstrate the fullness of His expression in all facets of life, we become receptive to the Christ, Truth, that inspires and blesses.

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