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‘Father, wake me up!’

From the January 2017 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus was a remarkable spiritual healer. His healing works as recorded in the Bible are still closely studied today by those yearning to understand what he knew, what he understood spiritually that brought about healing. 

As one reads these accounts of healing, one might begin to realize that Jesus seemed to pay little or no attention to the physical appearance of the individuals coming to him for healing. And so one might conclude that Jesus’ attention was instead fixed on the spiritual reality of the individual as a perfect creation of God; and that Jesus’ reflection of this spiritual truth served to awaken receptivity within the individual’s consciousness to his or her innate purity and perfection. And the outcome was healing.

In order to help his disciples understand how this healing was accomplished, Jesus constantly led them to a true, spiritual understanding of the Christ, the divine idea of God that he expressed so fully. His example and teachings also help us today, as modern disciples of Jesus, to understand spiritual truth so that we can follow him in healing ourselves and others.

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