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Testimonies of Healing

Quick healing of sudden illness

From the January 2017 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“I will hear what God the Lord will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints” (Psalms 85:8). The words of the Psalmist have been a constant guide to me in my growth as a student of Christian Science, and have often been a helpful impetus in being more effective in my healing practice. These comforting words have encouraged me to listen more to God, divine Mind, instead of to the aggressive mental arguments of suffering, when faced with challenges.

I’ve found that when I turn thought to God in order to feel His loving assurances of care and protection, His tender guidance has unfolded more tangibly to my consciousness the truth of my spiritual nature and consequent immunity from discord. This disciplined approach in the face of distress or disease has healed me of many physical challenges over the years. 

Recently, I had a small experience where applying these ideas enabled me to quickly overcome a sudden illness. One morning I awoke and was getting dressed to go out for my normal morning run. I suddenly became very nauseous. In the past, I had been tempted to just let such situations run their course. But this time, a mental protest arose in me. I felt inspiration from God encouraging me not to give in to the belief of involuntary action. I saw that the power of the omniaction of Love was the only real action going on in me.

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