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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


An article on Christian Science in the Chicago Sunday Herald some weeks ago, closed with this wise admonition: "Be careful by whom you are taught; be careful by whom you are healed. " The writer was evidently well posted on the operations of the mental healers in Chicago, and wrote the advice from the standpoint of an informed critic, directing the counsel especially to his Chicago contemporaries.

To pass away the gloomy hours in prison Bunyan took a rail out of the stool belonging to his cell, and with his knife fashioned it into a flute. The keeper, hearing music, followed the sound to Bunyan's cell; but while he was unlocking the door the ingenious prisoner placed the rail in the stool, so that the searchers were unable to solve the mystery; nor, during the remainder of Bunyan's residence in the jail, did they ever discover how the music had been produced.


In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the "elder brother" represents a materialist; although observing the law and the prophets, in the sight of God he was a whited sepulchre full of uncleanness. He could see no other way to worship God except through material forms.

In Chicago, as in a great many cities and towns of the Union, can be found those who are practising Christian Science or mental healing. They have graduated regularly from the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, (which has a charter from the state, and can show certificates to that effect).


Charity which cometh from divine Love is the "bond of perfectness. " Faith has been called the "bond of union" in the church; but it has divided it instead of uniting.


That health and morals are alike conditions of mind many an experience today will bear testimony, and as the fact is becoming more apparent thought stirs itself to a general inquiry. The Scriptures declare we have been all our life-time subject to bondage through fear of death.


"All the world's a stage And all the men and women merely players. " Nothing opens up this truism like practical metaphysics.

Science Cure and Materia Medica

Existing systems of cure, in high favor with the clergy and dominant faculty, hold haughtily against this our invading method fortified by divine science; but, step by step, they retire. It is pitiful and amusing, at the same time rejoicing to the thoughtful in our blessed cause, to watch the masterly tactics of the retreating generals of old Conservatism.

High hearts are never long without hearing...

High hearts are never long without hearing some new call, some distant clarion of God, even in their dreams: and soon they are observed to break up the camp of ease, and start on some fresh march of faithful service. And, looking higher still, we find those who never wait till their moral work accumulates, and who reward resolution with no rest; with whom, therefore, the alteration is instantaneous and constant: who do the good only to see the better, and see the better only to achieve it; who are too meek for transport, too faithful for remorse, too earnest for repose; whose worship is action, and whose action ceaseless aspiration.

Christian Science was first introduced by Jesus: he explained and demonstrated it, healing the sick and triumphing over sin and death. His works were based on a divine Principle that he understood and could teach, and they can be demonstrated on no other basis.