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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

The humble art of meekness

Last year, I had painted a mountain stream where my family had picnicked before, but the picture just wasn’t coming together. There came a point where I just wanted to toss it in the trash, but I put it under my drawing table instead and forgot about it.

Governed by genes or by God’s Word?

Is it true that “you are your genes”? That physical vulnerabilities, intelligence, temperament, and other characteristics are largely determined by the genes we inherited from our parents?  Many instances of hereditary problems being healed through prayer that relies on God’s supreme power have been recorded in the Bible, as well as in this publication. These healings furnish proof that genes do not have actual power over one’s being—and that an understanding of what truly controls our individuality can bring freedom from the apparent dictates of genetics.

Health you can never lose

It might seem perfectly logical to say that health resides in one’s physical body—that it’s a kind of personal possession. And that we’re prone to losing or damaging our health if we’re not careful with this possession.

Sometimes when things seem bleakest, you need a friend. For my family, that friend was the Christian Science Sentinel.

You have the courage!

When confronted with a challenging or intimidating situation, I often think about the pep talk David gave his son Solomon when he was given the task of building a temple to the Lord. As recorded in First Chronicles, he said, “Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the Lord God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord” (28:20).

A foundation for home

The Psalms are so full of insights into the spiritual nature of home. Throughout the Psalms, words such as abide, dwelling place, refuge, secret place, green pastures, and house of the Lord have helped me to gain a sense of home as where my thought rests on and in God’s presence and power.

Substitute Reader overcomes public-speaking fear

Many years ago , I was asked to take on the duties of a substitute Reader at a Christian Science informal group I attended, which meant that some weeks I would need to read the weekly Bible Lesson-Sermon to the congregation. But for about as long as I can remember, any activity that required speaking in public, even talking to a clerk at a store, was fraught with anxiety for me.

Beyond reading the ‘recipe’

Years ago, while attending college, I had the privilege of living in the home of a Christian Science practitioner. She became my “college mother.

Healed by Sunday School students

I’m a Christian Science Sunday School teacher, and I love sharing the Bible and Christian Science with the students—especially the healings and teachings of Christ Jesus.   I always pray to see the children as pure and innocent expressions of God.

The kingdom of heaven—here and now

For ages mankind has endeavored to discover what is real, lasting, and meaningful in life. This has involved a lot of soul-searching and sometimes looking in all the wrong places.