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Spiritual Short

Beyond reading the ‘recipe’

From the May 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Years ago, while attending college, I had the privilege of living in the home of a Christian Science practitioner. She became my “college mother.” The months I lived there were filled with insightful conversations and spiritual growth.

One day, she asked if something was bothering me; she commented that I seemed unusually quiet. I said I wasn’t feeling well. When asked what I was doing about it, I responded, “Reading the Bible Lesson, but I’m not making any progress.”

She paused and then told me a story of a man who had been struggling with a serious physical problem. While meeting with a practitioner, he complained that he had read Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy from cover to cover three times and still had had no healing. After listening to his story, the practitioner picked up a cookbook, opened it, and handed it to the man. She asked him to read a cake recipe. He looked perplexed but did so. She asked him to read the recipe again, slowly. He did. She asked him to read it once more. Although he seemed annoyed, he read the recipe a third time. She sat quietly, then asked the man, “Where’s your cake?”

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