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‘Fragments that remained’ 

From the May 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The fragments that remain

Matthew 14:20

Father, thank you,
for what seemed
so inconsequential—
those small, unused,
unshared ideas.

In gratitude
we witnessed
release from lack
and conception grew
to sufficiency for all. 

Idea-links formed without end
flowing with the slipstream
of divine unfoldment.

At day’s end
wisdom oversaw the gathering
of fragments that remained
What treasures to behold!

They are now far more in number
than when first blessed.
Doubt that all could feed
on an offering so meager—silenced. 

Safely cradled
in our baskets of gratitude
all precious fragments
will launch tomorrow
with full-orbed promise. 

Ask the Father’s blessing!
There are no
inconsequential fragments.

—Laura Bantly

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