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Spiritual Short

Purity protected

From the May 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One night, many years ago, when a friend came to visit, he invited me to have sex with him. Although I cared very deeply for the man, he knew that I believe that celibacy outside of marriage is an expression of spiritual integrity. I was happy to realize that not for one second was I tempted to accept his invitation. Instead, I gently but firmly said: “That is not going to happen.” The matter was instantly dropped and never came up with him or any other man again.

I am convinced that the quick resolution of this unpleasant moment was God’s tender grace expressing itself effortlessly. I felt that Soul preserved the eternal innocence of us both, without struggle or hesitation. From that point on, it was made very clear to me that we never have to participate in anything that damages our ability to live pure and holy lives. God, through divine law, is always with us to help us prove the power of goodness, and that as His spiritual image and likeness we are undefiled.

As a result of this experience I was healed of a long-standing fear that I could be seduced or persuaded to act in a way that was contrary to our divine nature. And I also saw, in my friend’s respectful response to my refusal, the end of my inclination to believe that men are generally more driven by sexual desire than by Spirit.

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