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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Imparting the Healing Truth

When a Christian Scientist is called upon to pray scientifically for someone's healing, he is being asked to bring to bear upon the errors of the case the truth of being. The truth in every case is perfect God and perfect man, God the infinite Mind and man the reflection or idea.

Do Human Precautions Have a Place?

Parachutes, fire escapes, locks and keys, safety belts in cars, gloves for taking hot dishes out of the oven—should we use them? Does use of such human precautionary devices conflict with the requirement of Christian Science to depend on God, divine Spirit, for our safety and healing? Mrs. Eddy writes, "Only through radical reliance on Truth can scientific healing power be realized.

Principle-sustained Harmony

Studying the Bible in the light of Christian Science is an adventure in discovery. We find to our joy that God is wholly good and that His plan for us is perfect harmony, invariable good.

A Christian Scientist's Solemn Duty

Throughout the writings of Mary Baker Eddy one finds references to the healing power of unselfed love. On page 1 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, for example, we find this: "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love.

Destroying Loneliness

Christian Science reveals a spiritual sense of companionship that brightens and uplifts the human mind. It destroys the unhappy feeling of isolation or loneliness and frees one from dependence on other persons for completeness and well-being.

Christian Science Nursing as a Profession

In moments of physical distress or helplessness few people are more welcome on the scene than a well-trained Christian Science nurse. Immediately there is a satisfying sense that conditions will begin to improve.

Cause and Effect–Real and Unreal

Some medical systems now recognize mental causes of physical symptoms and effect cures by correcting mental conditions. Christian Science goes much further.

Demonstrating Immunity to Disease

Those who have accepted the teachings of Christian Science and are conscientiously putting them into practice have within them a growing religious faith that God is, as the Bible says, "a strong hold in the day of trouble. " Nah.

The Reason for Existence

Students of Christian Science have no doubt about why they exist. This Science has shown them that they are individual expressions of the one God.

How Easter Teaches Us to Reject Sickness

The Easter story shows us something of what we are that makes it as natural for us to say, "I am not sick," as it is to say, "I do not steal. " It reveals the spirituality and indestructibility of the real man, and it unveils our capacity to claim our real identity.