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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

New Ways and Means

The outreach of Christian Science to the world is an ongoing, ever-expanding activity. Because it symbolizes the infinite newness and variety of God, creative divine Mind, this outreach must from time to time change in format and direction to meet the changing mores and needs of society.

When People Offend Us

Christ Jesus outlined the way to deal with the situation when others seem to offend us—when their behavior toward us seems to have been unethical or damaging, or when they have, according to our judgment, violated rules of Christian conduct and trespassed against society. He showed us how to pray and how to forgive as we ourselves would be forgiven.

Defense Against Mental Malpractice

At the end of the chapter on Christian Science Practice in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy gives this admonition: "Christian Scientists, be a law to yourselves that mental malpractice cannot harm you either when asleep or when awake. " Science and Health, p.

Protection for Children

When Christian Scientists seek exemption for their children from compulsory health requirements, they accept the responsibility of devoting fully as much care to these children's well-being as the health measures in question are intended to provide. A Christian Scientist does not claim the right to neglect the health of his child.

Mr. Welz: Number 6 in the Order of Services for the Wednesday Meetings, as listed in the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy, provides for the congregation to give "experiences, testimonies, and remarks on Christian Science.

"Anointing the wounded spirit"

When Christ Jesus healed the sick, he went straight to the mental cause of the trouble and corrected that. He knew that all diseased conditions were externalized pictures of disturbed thought, figments of the human mind, and he destroyed them with the healing balm of spiritual Truth.

To Pray for More Laborers

The world hungers for the Comforter, "the Spirit of truth" that Christ Jesus prophesied would come and "guide you into all truth. "   Mankind as a whole does not recognize the nature of its hunger.

The Best Medicine

In the testimony section of this issue we find a healing of an internal condition that was supposed to end the patient's life within an hour. There are also healings of a broken back, pregnancy complications, a skin disease that had defied skin specialists for years, tuberculosis, trench mouth, goiter, psoriasis, weeping eczema, and a severe burn.

Commemorating the Adult Jesus

Christians love to commemorate the coming in the world of the manifestation of God. They treasure the thought of Christ, the Son of God, appearing to human sense first as an innocent, helpless babe, later as mankind's mighty Master and Saviour.

The Only Knower and Doer

"I can of mine own self do nothing. "   John 5:30; These are the words of Christ Jesus, the most able man who ever lived, and without explanation they seem strangely inappropriate.