The outreach of Christian Science to the world is an ongoing, ever-expanding activity. Because it symbolizes the infinite newness and variety of God, creative divine Mind, this outreach must from time to time change in format and direction to meet the changing mores and needs of society.
The periodicals, books, and other publications of The Christian Science Publishing Society are vital tools of The Mother Church in its mission to awaken mankind to spiritual reality, and thus save them from sinking into the morass of disease and sensuality. It is therefore the duty of those who write, edit, and print the word of Truth to see to it that it comes forth in the clearest and most relevant form that is possible—and also see that it is clothed in ways that are both beautiful and arresting.
To do this demands a willingness to change, to abandon stereotyped concepts, outdated positions, in order to touch human thought as it is today. In his parable of the good Samaritan, Christ Jesus indicated that this kindly man in giving aid to the injured one, "came where he was," Luke 10:33; and we should be willing to adapt our style and format to our audience—go where they are—if we are to reach their thought and heal them.