Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
One of the strange aspects of the conventional mind is its resistance to change. It likes to stay in its familiar ruts, even though they are limiting, even harmful.
As I look at the things I possess, there are some I consider valuable because of what I could get for them if I were to sell them. There are others I value because of what they mean to me.
Christian Science teaches that all matter is unreal, and beginners in this Science sometimes find the teaching hard to swallow. Matter in its various forms seems so much a part of themselves and their environment that to deny it reality becomes a big order indeed.
When Mrs. Eddy started to explain Christian Science to others, she was faced with the difficulty of having to use existing finite, material terms for the expression of infinite metaphysical ideas.
Mary Baker Eddy gave us this magazine. She writes in Retrospection and Introspection , "The first official organ of the Christian Scientist Association was called Journal of Christian Science.
Thousands of people read with their fingers. For their benefit The Christian Science Publishing Society prepares two publications in Braille: The Herald of Christian Science and the Christian Science Bible Lessons.
For nearly two thousand years the Christian Church, in general, has stood for the best in human society. During this period it has had its moral ups and downs, but regardless of periodic lapses it has managed to keep the spark of spiritual values alight —for which we should be very grateful.
Easter—a time when we remember that one known as the Son of God came out of his tomb alive! A time to think of our own renewal, or revival, our rising from the inactive to the active, the meaningless to the meaningful. Easter is a time to recognize that the Principle of the universe operates in behalf of the individual.
How easy it is to mouth glib assurances! How simple to say to another with airy confidence, "Don't be afraid!"—as though mere human will could turn fear off like a faucet. But our encouragement of another can be genuinely helpful if based on something deeper than mere words—if founded on an understanding trust in the all-presence and all-power of God, infinite divine Love.
Matter does not really exist. All is Spirit.