Easter—a time when we remember that one known as the Son of God came out of his tomb alive! A time to think of our own renewal, or revival, our rising from the inactive to the active, the meaningless to the meaningful.
Easter is a time to recognize that the Principle of the universe operates in behalf of the individual. It makes him free. It provides opportunities for each one to find himself, to rise from being nobody to being somebody, and to feel the joy of knowing himself as that somebody.
Christ Jesus' proof of the operation of this Principle was the most dramatic event of all history. He was crucified. He was placed in a tomb. A great stone was rolled across the entrance. Because his exemplification of man as God's idea showed men and women their own true worth, their hopes were in that tomb behind that stone. Jesus' ministry had promised that all could find the Life which is God, the Love which loves us all—but there was that stone!