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Branch Churches and Continuing Accomplishment

From the April 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Those of us who are active in branch church work often have to contend with arguments pertaining to the conduct of our church's affairs. Ours may be a new church, or it may be one with many years of service to its community. While it is interesting and sometimes enlightening to peruse the records of the church, what will aid us most is the understanding that our church is the continuing demonstration of its members' love for the healing Truth.

History has many valuable lessons to teach us, but the passage of time, mortal mind's limited sense of God's eternity, has nothing to do with the function of the church—that of representing the Christ and uplifting humanity.

In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy points out that "man in Science is neither young nor old." Science and Health, p. 244; Many Christian Scientists are proving the applicability of that statement and are putting off limitations related to age. Should we not endeavor to see our branch churches in the same light? The action of Truth has no relation to time. Emphasis on time is an error that limits expansion and promotes decay.

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