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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The Burden of Proof

How often a Christian Science practitioner hears the words, "I just have to have this healing so my family will know that Christian Science is the truth!" The wise practitioner recognizes this as a suggestion of the one evil, mortal mind, and he rejects it. Such a suggestion is not unlike the devil's taunting when Christ Jesus was looking out from a pinnacle of the temple.

Turning Over a New Leaf

The beginning of a new year is a good time to take stock of our spiritual resources. It's an ideal moment to have an honest look at ourselves, to see where we can pull in the slack.

"Church of the new-born"

It was a great occasion for the young Christian Church when, in one day, three thousand people were converted to the faith and became members. On that day of Pentecost, Peter preached to a large crowd in Jerusalem, and he so eloquently described Christ Jesus' God-inspired mission that his listeners' hearts were deeply touched.

Christ and Animal Magnetism

The function of the Christ is to manifest in human consciousness the presence and power of God. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Mary Baker Eddy defines "Christ" as "The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error.

Defense Against Negative Advertising

If we were to believe some of the advertisements in circulation today, we might assume that happiness, success, health, serenity, security, beauty, and joy are dependent on matter. But there are probably very few people who really do believe the more fanciful claims—that to eat Krunchy-Bitz for breakfast will enable one to score a home run that wins the game.

Let's Confound the Confusion

A practical spiritual solution can be found for every human problem. Many times controversies rage in public affairs, neither side looking beyond fallible human reasoning and emotionally charged personal opinions for a right answer.

Christmas Every Wednesday

John Greenleaf Whittier wrote, Keep while ye need it, brothers mine, With honest zeal your Christmas sign, But judge not him who every morn Feels in his heart the Lord Christ born. Christian Science Hymnal, No.

Thanksgiving Day—a Happy Reminder

Thanksgiving Day is a reminder of the happiness, health, and abundance that can be ours when we make gratitude a way of life. Put in another way, what downright joy and satisfaction result from making every day a Thanksgiving Day! Gratitude is much more than a polite "thank you," important as that is.

The Zealous Neophyte

It is a great day for a new student of Christian Science when he joins a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, for the first time. It is a great day for the membership.

Preparing for an Association Meeting

Each year pupils of a teacher of Christian Science meet primarily to be addressed by their teacher or, in his absence, by one they have chosen to conduct the meeting. It is a day of spiritual feasting.