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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

An Inseparable Relationship

Where must we go to find God? Not very far. In fact, no distance at all, because God and man are one in being.

Woman's Inalienable Right

The writer notes “that every woman has her own God-given place in the divine plan and the inalienable right to express the qualities of the divine Father-Mother God in her own individual way.”

An Essential for Quick Healing

One who is ill may express an eagerness to talk of himself audibly or mentally in spiritual terms, but as soon as he is well he may forget the spiritual terms. In such a case, the desire to put off a material sense of self and to recognize one's spiritual identity is lacking.

Parenthood: A Solemn Charge

One of the great blessings of this world is that most children have parents who love them dearly and take care of them until they are sufficiently mature to look after themselves. The sad exceptions to this rule merit all the compassionate interest that the more fortunate can express toward them, because parental love can be the greatest influence for good in the life of any child.

Seeking Truth for Its Own Sake

What is the basic aim of an earnest, working Christian Scientist? What is his study, prayer, and practice all about? These questions beg a thoughtful reply. They may bring to mind the life and teachings of Christ Jesus and his unwavering march to a full demonstration of man's spiritual identity in and of the one creative Mind.

Praying for Peace

A newspaper announcement of a David Susskind show, a TV discussion program, read, "Part one: Our sons went to prison instead of Vietnam. Part two: Our sons fought and died in Vietnam.

Spiritual Education

In Christian Science the word "education" takes on a very special meaning. It implies much more than the development and cultivation of what are called natural human powers, important as these may be.

Man Is Always Intact

In answer to the question "What is man?" Mrs. Eddy writes in part: "Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique.

Originality and Healing

Everything in God's universe is original. Springing freshly from the divine Mind, it is brilliant, beautiful, and unique.

Church and Today's World

In these times, when many people are turning to Eastern philosophies, the occult, and the blatantly fantastic in their search for deeper meaning's to life and for explanations of existence, the question is often asked: Does the Church, which is based upon the teachings of Christ Jesus, still have a contribution to make to the well-being and progress of the modern world? Thoughtful consideration of the spiritual origin, nature, and past accomplishments of this divinely inspired institution must lead to the conclusion that it does. To the degree that it has been built on the revelation of God as the universal Father and of man as God's son, as demonstrated by Christ Jesus, the Christian Church has been a strengthening, guiding, spiritualizing power in the community, and its divine message ensures that in proportion as it is humanly discerned as present and operative it must continue to exert a beneficent influence in mankind's affairs in the twentieth and ensuing centuries.