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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Why Argue?

If one watches his thoughts carefully, he will note that much subjective argument goes on in the course of a day. The pros and cons of various questions and problems are silently argued and decisions made.

Honoring the Christ-idea

He was a child. But they came from far places to pay their respects.

Getting to Know Yourself

Have you encountered the real you? If not, then you are missing much, for your real self is well worth knowing. What you really are is much more than the composite of physical characteristics you see in a mirror.

Cultivate Gratitude

Gratitude is not merely a social grace; it is a spiritual element of thought essential to humanity's well-being. In its highest expression it is a quality of uplifted faith by means of which men respond to God, acknowledging His power and the divine affluence even though, as yet, it may be unseen to mortal eyes.

Manhood's Eternal Noon

Christian Science emphasizes that the divine Mind is eternal, without beginning or end, and that the real man is the spiritual reflection of this eternal Mind. Whether or not we are accepting the eternal Mind as our own Mind can be determined by our attitude toward age.

Banish Self-justification

According to the law of God we have authority over our own thinking and therefore over our own experience. This divine fact is revealed in the Bible, and Christian Science insists that it can be proved in daily life.

Expanding Our Sense of Man

Christian Science shows us that man's potential is infinitely greater than that of the fallible mortal we see walking around. We learn how to reassess our identity in new, spiritual terms by relating it to God, divine Mind, as its source.

"A kingdom of priests"

Three months after Moses led the children of Israel across the Red Sea, God told him to say to them, "If ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, .

Spiritual Building

There is nothing drab or colorless to human life when one begins to build spiritually. Even a glimpse of man's real selfhood in unity with God imparts a whole new dimension to one's experience.

God's Gift to the Community

Each year every community where a Church of Christ, Scientist, is situated receives a valuable gift—at least one lecture on the subject of the healing Christ. These annual lectures are, in fact, a gift from God.