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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Building the Temple

Church building has always found devotion in people who have caught a glimpse of God as one invisible Spirit and have felt responsible for protecting and disseminating what they have discerned. We might follow the historical record of church building from the tabernacle, the tent of Moses, to the Christian Science Church Center in Boston, and we would always find the implication of a place where God meets a congregation of worshipers.

The Necessity of Receptivity

Our radio set is receptive to a program only when it is tuned to the wavelength of the broadcasting transmitter. Otherwise, as far as we are concerned, both the transmitter and the program could be nonexistent.

Annulling the Herod Thought

In the coming of the Saviour, Christ Jesus, we have an example of the resistance of mortal mind to the Christ as it appears in its healing mission. Upon hearing of the divine event Herod plotted to kill the infant Jesus so that nothing could challenge his sovereignty.

A Careful Distinction

Christian Science stands firmly on the basis that God is the only Mind and that the divine Mind is All. But in order to explain the appearance of an evil mind and many minds, Mary Baker Eddy employs the terms "mortal mind" and "human mind.

Denying Mortal Selfhood

Self-denial has never been a very popular or attractive phase of religious teaching. Yet one of the basic statements of Christ Jesus is: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

We Must Expect to Be Safe

Expectancy of good promotes the experience of good. Because human existence is a mental phenomenon, it is formed and shaped by human thought.

God Works in Us

Christ Jesus declared, "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. " John 14:10; The great Teacher knew that power to heal belongs to God, to Spirit, Mind, and so is infinite and equal to any demand.

Rolling Away the Stone

Christian Science imparts a wonderfully satisfying sense of the love of God, of His all-inclusive presence and power. When our perception of this Science is clear, we find joy and fulfillment in the contemplation of our real being in and of the one creative Mind.

Seeking True Evidence

We are taught in Christian Science not to rest on the evidence of the material senses. And the questions come up: "What if the material senses indicate health and well-being? Do we believe them then?" The answer still must be that we do not rest on such evidence.

Scientific Activism

Christ Jesus was an activist of the highest order. He taught, he preached, he healed.