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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Healing Racial Divisions

When Mary Baker Eddy announced to the world that man is wholly spiritual, she started a revolution. The world, with its entrenched conviction that life springs from matter, felt the impact of the idea without understanding it.

Christian Science and Philanthropy

Philanthropy, or the humanitarian effort of one person to promote the welfare of another, is a Christian duty. The Bible shows that it is only through neighborly love and unworldly living that one can truly worship God and gain His grace.

Chasing Away the Blues

"Mood Indigo" is the name of a classic blues number that sounds great as music but quickly loses its appeal when it denotes a state of mind. A blue mood is no fun at all.

Selecting a Teacher

The decision to take Primary class instruction in Christian Science brings one to a vital point in his growth as a Christian Scientist. Having arrived at this point, one can be certain of his God-given ability to be guided spiritually and to choose for himself who will be his teacher.

Expanding Our View of Soul

If we want enough mental elbowroom to develop our potential for completeness and true satisfaction, then we had better stop believing that even temporarily man's immortal identity is encased in flesh. It simply isn't, and the study and practice of Christian Science can start us on the way to proving this.

Keeping Up to Date

In these days of discovery, invention, and rapid change, it is sometimes said that if a business corporation is not planning for ten years ahead it is planning for yesterday. And this could also well apply to individuals.

"To avail ourselves of God's rule"

Many turn to God for help and receive it. Not understanding what has happened, they may conclude that God knows the things and people involved in human situations and that He gets Himself involved in what mortals do.

Discovering the Real Me

Many people have the feeling that deep down within themselves is an undiscovered greatness. They sense that an individuality of superhuman grandeur is struggling to be released from the limitations of human-hood.

"The preaching of the cross"

"And he bearing his cross went forth into a place .

Abreast of the Times

Mary Baker Eddy discovered the Science of Christ—Christian Science. A vital point in this discovery is the nature of the Christ itself.