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To Be a Good Healer

From the August 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is not a matter of method or technique but of spiritual intent.

What makes one a good healer may be deduced from Christ Jesus' statement, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also."John 14:12; There is a hint here that the methods to be used in healing are inherent in the believing. Then what does it really mean to believe on Christ Jesus?

Everything about his life and teachings seems to tell us that God, the divine Principle of the universe, intends for us to know that He is our Father, the Mind, Soul, and Life of man. In Jesus' virgin birth, his phenomenal acts of healing, his clear teachings, and his sacrifice on behalf of humanity we recognize God's love for us and His provision that we experience the presence and power of that love. From the moment we begin really to believe in Jesus, we begin to change. We begin to see the futility of believing in a life other than that which is the divine Life, or of a mind other than divine Principle, or of a soul—a consciousness of self—other than the one I am, infinite Soul. And our motive, our reason for all we do, our intent, becomes more spiritual.

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