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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Not Death but Life

It is rather astounding to consider what a large proportion of time the average individual spends in the contemplation of death. Accident, disease, war, crime, suffering, seem to take up a large part of the news and hence occupy thought to a great extent.

Understanding God Heals Sickness

That God can heal the sick is an established fact. But the question is often asked how He does it, since the Bible declares that He is "of purer eyes than to behold evil.

Yesterday and Today

In every instance of the forward thrust of knowledge, what was known by mankind yesterday is not enough for today. To illustrate, take speed.

The Healing Christ

Spiritual healing is a deep and searching therapeutic that reaches down into the innermost recesses of human consciousness. It is based on an understanding of the Christ, and it brings to thought a profound stillness and rest, silencing the fear and excitement that appear on the body in varying forms of disease, thus restoring a normal sense of health.

Antidote for Crime

It is agreed that one of the basic causes of crime and violence is the sense of frustration that pervades the experience of many individuals. What underlies frustration is the limitation of opportunity, supply, or a just share of the benefits of modern society.

Christian Science Is Universal

As long as Christian Science is thought of merely as another church, a denomination, or a sect, it is not understood. This Science is the truth of being, and the truth is universal law.

Sonship with God

One of the prominent aspects of the Christ is the fact of man's sonship with God. As the true relationship of God and man, Father and son, dawns upon the individual, it has a marked effect upon his thought about himself, his conduct toward his fellowmen, and his own realization of health and well-being.

Staying Our Thought on God

Isaiah was stating a truth that underlies all genuine spiritual healing when he wrote, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. " Isa.

Spiritual Survival

The theme of survival dominates the Bible from the story in Genesis of Noah, described as surviving a great flood through his obedience to God, to the prophecy in Revelation of the two witnesses whose "dead bodies" would "lie in the street of the great city," but who, "after three days and an half .

Go Deep and Be Healed!

Christian Science heals the sick through a deep understanding of God and of man's unity with Him. Its method is purely spiritual, not psychological.