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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

And the Devil Came Too

The introduction to the story of Job includes this statement: "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. " Job 1:6; This may indicate a frequent experience among students of Christian Science who are progressing in the study and application of their religion.

Friendship with God

Friendship with God is a privilege bestowed on all men if they will but recognize it and claim it for their own. When understood in its Science, friendship with God opens the gates of heaven and reveals the health, harmony, and abundance that are our birthright as children of divine Love.

The Substance of Resurrection

By his resurrection Christ Jesus taught that Spirit, not matter, is the substance, the ultimate reality, of an individual's life. He showed that spiritual activity demonstrates man's inseparability from the Father, the one Life, and that no one is destroyed by death.

We Must Be Careful How We Use It!

Sometimes we become lax in the way we use the personal pronoun "I. " We say, "I feel tired today," or, "I don't feel well," and, again, "My zest for life is gone; I am low and depressed.

Love Is the Creative Power

A distinctive characteristic of divine Love is its creative power. Love is that which produces ideas, blesses them, sustains them, and cherishes them.

Branch Church Business Meetings

Business meetings in branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are important. For one reason, they offer the opportunity to put democracy to work on a high level, high because such meetings are impelled by a power higher than human thought.

An Essential Modesty

Although Christian Scientists know that the Science they follow is the revealed Truth, they certainly do not assume any superiority to others or presume that they are privileged above others. They are so engaged with the idea of helping mankind to understand Truth that they do not indulge in comparisons.

Which Road Shall We Take?

Sometimes when driving our car, we arrive at a fork in the road where there is no adequate signpost. We then ask ourselves which road to take.

A World Outlook

Modern technological developments have telling social effects. Quick communication is turning the world into one village in which nearly everyone knows what nearly everyone else is doing and thinking, even while this is happening.

Matter Is Pictured Thought

Can you see thoughts with the naked eye? Of course you can. You are seeing them every waking moment.