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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Justice and Mercy

With the advent of Christianity and then the founding of Christian Science, there has been a gradual amelioration of theology to the point where the nature of God is better understood; and the demonstration of this nature in human experience results in more equity, mercy, and healing love. In many instances in the Old Testament there is a concept of God that seems harsh in its justice and perhaps cruel in its implementation.

True Protest

Protests are not new. There have always been protesters against established conditions and laws.

How Does Christ Appear Today?

Throughout history the manifestation of God's presence and power has come to receptive individuals in the way that they have been prepared to understand it, and this fact holds true today. In some of the earliest Bible history, Abraham was directed by the voice of God, Moses saw the burning bush, Elijah heard the still small voice, and David walked with God.

Good Healing Is Church Expansion

Church, as it is understood in Christian Science, is a subject of vast dimensions. It is universal in its scope, reaching far beyond a material building or even its admittedly important institutional aspects.

What Christian Science Is

An answer to the often heard question What is Christian Science? might begin with an explanation of what Science is not. It decidedly is not merely a human method of healing without drugs.

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving"

"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. " II Cor.

Self-knowledge and Self-control

At a time of turbulent upheaval in society, when many are floundering for lack of direction in their lives and crime is on the increase, it is mandatory for us to turn constantly to divine Principle and perceive how the control of Principle may be demonstrated in daily experience. Christian Science teaches that God alone governs man, for man is the image and likeness of God, the emanation of divine Mind.

The Power of the Church

According to Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, the word "church" is derived from the Greek kyrios meaning lord, master, and in turn from kyros meaning power. While there is a distinction between a derivation and a definition, the source word often maintains its influence throughout the development of a definition.

"Hid with Christ in God"

One of the main themes of the ninety-first Psalm is that God is a refuge where one may find safety and protection. "The secret place of the most High" Ps.

Leaving the Old for the New

One of the limiting traits of the human mind is the tendency to cling tenaciously to old habits of thought, old ways of doing things, simply because they are familiar. This attitude of thought shies away from the disruption that new ideas, activities, and environment sometimes cause.