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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The Manual and the Church Member

As the Christian Science movement plunges into the second century of its healing mission, the Manual of The Mother Church provided by Mary Baker Eddy for its government becomes more and more important to the maturing church membership. The members know that obedience to its By-Laws will help determine the speed with which the world progresses out of the fog of materialism into the atmosphere of Spirit where divine Love governs absolutely.

The Power of Right Ideas

Consider the power of right ideas in the progress of mankind! Every upward step out of limitation has been the result of some fresh, intelligent concept welling up in human thought from its source in fathomless Mind. In his work the inventor, the artist, the writer, the resourceful businessman or dedicated statesman, and, above all, the religious pioneer has consciously or unconsciously tapped the infinite source of wisdom and beauty.

Wake Up to the Facts

Every problem is some phase of mesmeric error, a dream experience; and every healing is an awakening to the facts of being. One does not change reality, but he comes to understand it and to harmonize with it.

What to Do About Stagnation

Has joy taken flight from your interest in Christian Science? Has stagnation set in after a period of intense delight in its study, and do you find this inertia difficult to resist? Such an experience is entirely avoidable. Christian Science holds within itself the cure for spiritual stagnation.

Handling Premonitions

What must one do if he has a premonition of evil or a feeling of impending disaster? First he must realize that he is not helpless. There is an adequate antidote for every type of aggressive evil suggestion.

Thinking from the Point of Perfection

Christ Jesus used the present tense when he said, "I and my Father are one. " John 10:30; To the Master, that fact was at that very moment the actual condition of his being.

Uncovering Hidden Forces

One great function of Truth is to uncover error. Christ Jesus, who brought Truth to earth in its perfection of power and proved its possibilities for mankind, implied this when he said, "There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

"Practitioners' Charges"

Gratitude is the keynote of healing in Christian Science. It opens the door to the reception of Love's abundant outpouring of good to patient and practitioner alike.

Reflecting God's Glory

Christian Science brings to human consciousness a wholly new concept of man's selfhood. This new sense frees one from the binding limitations that material theories have imposed upon him.

Alert but Not Afraid

One of the problems in uncovering error, or animal magnetism, is to maintain a proper perspective, in which we hold steadfastly to the fact that God, good, is real and all-powerful but that evil is unreal and impotent. Individuals are at various stages of growth metaphysically.