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The Healing Christ

From the July 1969 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Spiritual healing is a deep and searching therapeutic that reaches down into the innermost recesses of human consciousness. It is based on an understanding of the Christ, and it brings to thought a profound stillness and rest, silencing the fear and excitement that appear on the body in varying forms of disease, thus restoring a normal sense of health.

Through Christian Science one can learn that healing of this kind is scientifically possible because of the illusive mortally mental nature of matter. One begins to reason logically that the human body and its diseased conditions, being but specific aspects of this false mental phenomenon, are therefore amenable to the power of spiritualized thought. They are mental illusions that can be swept out of thought and experience through the cleansing power of spiritual ideas.

In the Bible, particularly in the New Testament, are many instances of the power of Christ, Truth, to heal all types of disease, and even to raise the dead. This healing Christ reveals the true concept of man's identity as spiritual idea, and of his unity with God, infinite Mind, or divine Love. Jesus so embodied this healing Truth in thought and act that he became known as Christ Jesus, or Jesus the Christ.

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