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Testimonies of Healing

In the summer of 1924, I attended a fair...

From the July 1969 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the summer of 1924, I attended a fair in a city of western Canada, where I noticed a tent with the sign, "Christian Science Rest Tent."

My knowledge of Christian Science was very limited, but I had heard that its followers claimed that a knowledge of it would heal the sick. I had been suffering for some months from a physical condition which at intervals caused very severe pain. The previous week I had been told by my doctor, after an X ray had been taken, that I should have an operation to remove gallstones. I decided to go to the tent and inquire about the teachings of Christian Science.

Two women who were in attendance answered my questions. They gave me a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel but said that if I was interested I should have a copy of the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I was able to obtain one the following day. I was very grateful to have the book then, but that gratitude has increased manyfold during the years since as I have learned more fully what a treasure Science and Health really is.

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