In every instance of the forward thrust of knowledge, what was known by mankind yesterday is not enough for today. To illustrate, take speed. The horse took care of the need for speed two centuries ago, but jets carry us on our tours of duty and pleasure today as thought expands to encompass the globe quickly. The recent event when men flew into outer space to circle the moon, attaining a speed of nearly twenty-five thousand miles an hour, illustrated that what was known yesterday for expansion is not enough for today.
We can apply this same demand to our understanding of Christian Science, for what we knew of it yesterday is not enough for today. The problems that confront the Scientist now demand a deeper knowledge of Truth than did the problems of yesterday. Mary Baker Eddy says in No and Yes: "Disease and sin appear to-day in subtler forms than they did yesterday. They progress and will multiply into worse forms, until it is understood that disease and sin are unreal, unknown to Truth, and never actual persons or real facts." No and Yes, p. 31
Mrs. Eddy's forewarning of the ways of error should inspire us to gird ourselves effectively for the work ahead. The Bible gives a similar forewarning when it prophesies that the devil is coming down to the inhabiters of the world "having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."Rev. 12:12