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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Human wisdom and material philosophy have had considerable difficulty in defining and locating the human "soul. " Many of the ancient philosophers believed, as do many of our modern ones, that the soul perished with the body; others that it lasted for a time and then became nothing.

An active Christian Scientist and valued correspondent thus writes:— "I have a suggestion, which, if meeting your approval I hope you will find space for in the Journal It is this With the April number began a new year. There are upwards of ninety church organizations or societies whose cards appear in the Journal There appear also the notices of about one hundred and fourteen unorganized societies.

From all over the field come most encouraging reports. Our Cause is attracting more and more the attention of earnest thinking people.

The eighty-first edition of "Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures," comes to us in a much-revised and enlarged form. The pen of its author, the Rev.

It seems that the statement sent out through the associated press dispatches, and, of course, published in all the leading dailies in the country, to the effect that a number of indictments had been preferred against Christian Scientists by the grand jury at Utica, N. Y.

The extract from the Bridgeport Conn. Union , appearing in our last number scarcely states the case of the Christian Scientists correctly.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. In our last issue we endeavored to bring out somewhat the meaning of this first, great commandment.

The following words of Sojourner Truth, the white-souled colored woman who lived to be over one hundred years old, which were recently published in the Chicago Inter Ocean, may be read with profit by all:— "God or good is from everlasting to everlasting. To say that we had a beginning is to limit eternity.

The Mosaic Decalogue has lost none of its significance by lapse of time. It means as much to-day as it ever meant.


We have to announce in this issue of the Journal the passing on of the Rev. David Augustus Easton, pastor of the Mother Church.