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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Manuscript sent to the Journal without signature and address...

Manuscript sent to the Journal without signature and address is not accepted. In preparing manuscript for publication, if contributors will invariably write with ink, and on one side of the paper only, it will be greatly appreciated.

The article addressed to the contributors of the Church Building Fund in Boston, by Rev. Mary B.

The regular meeting of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College Association took place on October 5th in Steinert Hall, 62 Boylston St. , Boston.

The use of the words Christian and Science by the author of Science and Health, Rev. Mary B.

To my co-workers in truth: I was unexpectedly called to take editorial charge of the Journal. A sense of duty impelled me to respond to the call.

Dear Fellow-workers : Not quite one year ago, I was most unexpectedly called to, and most reluctantly accepted, the arduous task of editing the Christian Science Journal. The Journal itself, for the past nine issues, is the best witness of the faithfulness, love, patience, ability, and obedience to Truth, that have been given to the work.


And her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. " Every student of true Christian Science who has discerned Principle, and entered in any degree into the deep things of God, has seen that Divine Science is the "child" that the dragon stood ready to devour "as soon as it was born.

ALSO in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found by secret search, but upon all these. " Jeremiah.

RECONCILE : to bring to acquiescence; to content. " Webster.


An ingenious, would-be inventor conceived the following idea of a life-saving device to be used at some point along a very dangerous coast, where sunken rocks lie in wait to wreck any craft that may be allured or driven too near them. Upon a central reef standing above the sea level at high tide, a station was to be built.