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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

There is but one Truth

THERE is but one Truth. There is also but one counterfeit of Truth.

IN an editorial of a Southern denominational newspaper recently written, entitled "Christian Science. Is it moral?" we find the following:— "In commenting on the third article in the creed of Christian Science that 'There is no law but love,' Dr.

We desire to thank our friends for their many words of encouragement. Also for their generous response to the call for contributions.

We are about to step out of the old year into the new. Let us do so with the firm resolve to receive more and more fully into our consciousness the Truth of which the babe born in the manger nineteen hundred years ago, was the fleshly exponent.

Shortly previous to the issuance of the September Journal, it was determined to enlarge its space by the addition of eight pages. This was done not only that there might be more room for the rapidly increasing field to speak through its columns, but that there might be more advertising space as occasion demanded.


The long looked for Christian Science Hymnal has at last appeared. It will be welcomed heartily by the field.

We are aware of no other periodical, or publication, which is conducted on the plan of the Journal. It is essentially cooperative.

The ides of November have come again, and one by one the leaves are falling. So, one by one, should one let drop the false and alluring claims of the personal senses.

No doubt our readers will find cause for criticism of the Journal under its present management. It would be strange if it were otherwise.

The following letter of dismissal from an Orthodox church is significant of the change of feeling toward the Church of Christ Scientist B—St. Congregational Church, March 31st, 1892.