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From the December 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The long looked for Christian Science Hymnal has at last appeared. It will be welcomed heartily by the field. It is a selection of Spiritual Songs adapted to the use of Christian Science churches, Sabbath Schools, and other meetings. In point of mechanical make up it will bear favorable comparison with similar books of the various denominations; and as to the hymns, they are of the highest order. Some of them are original; others are selected. As the Committee say: While not entirely composed of hymns written exactly in accordance with the doctrine of Christian Science, it presents the acme of religious and poetic thought contained in the best hymns of the day, as well as in the best compositions thus far presented by Christian Scientists.

Special attention has been given to the wedding of words and music, not only as to character of composition, but in respect to proper accentuation, etc., wherever it has been found possible.

The system of arrangement is unique. On the pages with the hymns, have been placed standard tunes familiar to every churchgoer. Every second tune is by an English or German composer of unquestioned musical ability, and will be found adapted either to chorus-choir, or advanced congregational singing. Every third tune has been composed by Mr. Brackett especially for this work; and, permission from him should be secured by any person or persons desiring to use the same. Although designed particularly for quartette or choral use, many of the hymns may be sung by the average congregation, and will be found available for responses, offertories or sentences. A few tunes have been arranged for male voices, as it is believed that there is a demand for these in some churches.

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