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From the December 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."—Matt. vii. 8.

I Wish to relate my own case and how I found the Truth, with the hope that it will help other sufferers, and lead them to the same Fountain from which I have drank. This Fountain is clear, and opens the eyes and ears, and reveals to men what seemed to have been lost. It is the only true Fountain, and brings to men Love, Truth, and eternal Life.

I was an habitual tobacco user, and had been for upwards of twenty years. I tried to stop the use of it many times, but without avail. The temptation came back with more power than I seemed able to resist. I both chewed and smoked. And so strong was the habit upon me that I often did both at the same time. It became so that I could not do without it, and it seemed as though I was to be its life-long slave. This brought on a belief of consumption, and I found no one who could help me. I consulted a physician who was reputed to be an expert in this class of diseases, and he advised me to use all the tobacco I wanted; that there was no use in throwing away my money as medicine could not help me.

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