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From the December 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Again it is proven in the demonstration of Christian Science that Divine Love meets every human need, as our textbook assures us it will. The Spirit which gave birth to Science and Health, ripened into further action in the Journal, and the students were asked to protect it. Later, to meet a felt need for true Scripture interpretation the Bible Lessons came for our study. Now God is answering the universal cry for improvement in church music. The long expected Hymnal is at last completed,—a neat book, harmonious in type, binding, variety of tune, and, best of all, with words which voice a more scientific thought than any hymn-book tried heretofore; and consequently is better adapted to the use of Scientists. We are given a fresh opportunity of identifying our sense of Good, with the incoming spiritual Good.

Only those engaged in its preparation understand the immense labor of Love in it; and the necessity for scientific painstaking, involved. Those taught in Mind Science to discern the unfolding of Divine purpose can not fail to detect the influence of consecrated time and energy; also the desire that Divine Principle shall be made manifest through its pages.

The Card with its seventeen Selections, prophesied greater things, and wherever faithfully used has promoted spiritual activity to outgrow its musical swaddling clothes.

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