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We are aware of no other periodical, or publication, which is...

From the December 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We are aware of no other periodical, or publication, which is conducted on the plan of the Journal. It is essentially cooperative. It is supported by its friends, the Christian Scientists, and it belongs exclusively to its subscribers. Every subscriber is a pro rata owner. Hence one individual subscriber is as much an owner as another.

When the Journal was donated to the students, and adherents, of Christian Science, by its Founder, a new precedent in journalism was established. Surely it was the Christ-spirit which prompted so generous and worthy a deed. And the Christ-spirit will impel a generous response, both by way of subscriptions, and contributions. It is estimated that there are about one hundred thousand (we will not here vouch for the correctness of the estimate) true Christian Scientists in the United States and Canada. The regular subscription list of the Journal does not exceed five per cent. of that number. Where are the other ninety-five per cent.?

It is true, the Journal does not take the place of Science and Health, and the other writings of its author, Mary B.G. Eddy, nor is it intended to do so. But it is also true that it fills a necessary niche in Christian Science literature. It fills a place which would be greatly missed if its publication should cease. It affords students, and workers, an opportunity to express their thoughts and experiences through its columns, as well as to receive the thoughts and experiences of their co-students, and fellow laborers. Thus are they helped, and spurred on to greater activity. It is an indispensable adjunct to the work of spreading the Truth. It constitutes, and shall continue to constitute, an important part of the history and progress of Christian Science. Here, more than anywhere else, indeed, will be recorded the growth and rich experiences of its disciples. Here will be mirrored the best and purest thought of the busy field of laborers. Let all who desire its success, therefore, rally earnestly to its support, and aid in making it what it should be,—the most effective periodical, in establishing the Kingdom of God upon earth, known to the entire field of journalism.

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