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Letters & Conversations


From the December 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For many years I have been a sufferer in many ways. The doctors could give me no relief. I suffered for many years with pain and weakness in my back caused by an over-strain while lifting. Both my ankles were injured in boyhood, and never regained their perfect strength, and in stormy and wet weather they were weak and painful. Last of all, I became the victim of dyspepsia. For years I had to be very careful what I ate. At times the sight of food would make me feel sick. No remedy that I could find gave me any relief.

About three years ago while talking business with a travelling man, I spoke about my medicine. He surprised me by saying, "We have no medicine in our house." I asked him, why? He answered, "We are Christian Scientists." His answer to my question, "What is Christian Science?" pleased me so much that I asked for further particulars, which were given in such a way, that I was led to tell him of my trouble with dyspepsia, and asked if there was any hope for my case in Christian Science, and where I could find a Scientist. He said there was no doubt but that I could be healed, and as there was no Scientist in my city, he would treat me if I wished. I was only too glad to avail myself of the chance of relief, and took the treatment then and there, and was told that for my supper I could eat anything I liked, and as much of it as I wanted. I replied that I would not be as simple as that, as supper was the meal I had to be the most particular about. But I said that I would eat a little more than usual, and if that did not hurt me, I would continue to increase the variety and amount.

I had always been very fond of pork, but for a long time, had been unable to eat it in any way. When I sat down to the supper table that evening, I found we had sausage. One will see how completely my fear of dyspepsia had been destroyed, when I say that I ate a very hearty supper, mostly of sausage. That night I slept like a child. Previous to this time, a very small amount over a certain limit, would cause me to walk the floor from two to five hours. Since that night I have eaten whatever, whenever, and as much as I liked, without a particle of the old trouble. After waiting a few weeks and finding that my healing had been permanent, I wrote the Scientist about my back, and asked for help, which came at once through absent treatment. On speaking to him one rainy evening about my ankles, he said they would trouble me no more, and they have not. He would receive no pay for his services, but he recently asked me for a donation for the Boston Church, and as I am but too glad to show my appreciation of the good I have received, I enclose one hundred dollars, which you will please add to the Church Fund.

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