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From the December 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Again across a night of doubt and sin
Dawns the pure beam of Truth, and its bright star
Has led the wise men from the strife and din
Of error's wide domain, to journey far;
To where in humble guise the fair Christ-child,
Conceived in purity, brought forth in Love,
Waits to redeem a world, by sense defiled,
And step by step to guide to joys above.
Unchanging Truth the wonder doth repeat
Of "word made flesh" for weary mortals cheer;
A new-born light reveals the chain complete
That circles round the everlasting years.

The mighty Truth the Master taught and proved,
Once more is knocking at the portal of each heart;
The sheep that hear his voice are moved
To welcome in the Love that heals their smart.
With gladness then they leave the barren meads,
With joy turn from the stubble at their feet,
And haste to follow where he gently leads,
In pastures rich, that want can ne'er deplete.
And yet the many stray,—they doubt and fear,
And will not understand the way he trod;
But turn their backs upon the vision clear,
And crucify afresh the Son of God.

Despised, rejected, yet the Truth he taught;
And "cast him out!" comes still from temples' gate;
And for the healing works that Love has wrought,
The spittle of contempt, the scourge of hate.
And, as of yore, the Pharisees and scribes
Unite to tempt with gold and grand display,
The Judases to sell their Lord for bribes,
And with a mocking kiss his love betray.
And still the rulers of this world of sin,
Counsel together how to kill his Power;
And, seeking still their selfish ends to win,
Would rob God's children of their heavenly dower.

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