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Shortly previous to the issuance of the September Journal,...

From the December 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Shortly previous to the issuance of the September Journal, it was determined to enlarge its space by the addition of eight pages. This was done not only that there might be more room for the rapidly increasing field to speak through its columns, but that there might be more advertising space as occasion demanded. Our friends will please take notice of the increased space, and govern themselves accordingly in the number of their contributions.

We are especially in need of notes and reports from the field. These are among the most helpful of the contributions. Send us in your thoughts and experiences, and we will send them back to you; and while doing this, we will also be sending them to thousands of other hungry hearts. There is no better way of casting your bread upon the waters. Let it be borne in mind that in each issue we desire to give the thought of as many workers as practicable, and hence the necessity of brevity and conciseness, so far as may be.

There are, of course, some subjects which require a good deal of space in order to properly present them. As to these we are glad to give all the space necessary.

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