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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Mother Church membership: a commitment to healing

Do you recall why you became a member of the Church of Christ, Scientist? Wasn't it because you had glimpsed something of the immensity and scope of scientific Christianity as you studied Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy? And perhaps you had experienced tangible proof of the presence of God and His Christ in your life through healing.

Confidence to heal

The author makes the point that success in healing doesn't come from age or experience, but rather from "our love of God and our conviction of divine Truth's reality."

"By their fruits ye shall know them"

When  I was a child, our family often visited a man who had a wonderful garden. There were magnificent flowers, and the vegetables were bigger than what I'd seen anywhere else.

Plans are underway for 1991 and 1992 Youth Meetings in the United States and Canada. As with the 1990 Youth Meetings, local Christian Scientists have initiated these meetings and opened them to all young people in their areas.

How much is a person worth?

I had decided to read again the Gospels in the New Testament— Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. I wanted to see what single idea or truth would stand out on that particular day.

Giving testimony

Christ Jesus' last instruction to his disciples before the ascension was "Ye shall be witnesses unto me. " Acts 1:8.

Staying awake

Probably no aspect of Christian Science has come under more intense public discussion recently than Christian Science healing. Yet the outcome has been different from what many might have imagined.

An editorial responsibility and a readership's prayer

There is a verse in the Bible that reads: "And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. " Hab.

Church and the healing light of God's Word

A friend who is a professional musician had a decisive healing a few years ago. She relied entirely on God and on His law of harmony after an accident had taken away her sight.

The technology making possible the satellite-transmitted programming of The Monitor Channel (featured on pages 29-30 in this issue) may call to mind Mary Baker Eddy's phrase "useful wonders. " At the beginning of the chapter "Science of Being" in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures , Mrs.