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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Working people

There's so much today that suggests "Take it easy .

Spiritual conviction heals

An article entitled "Those healthy-minded Christian Scientists" appeared in a provincial Canadian newspaper, The Whig-Standard. The Whig-Standard, Kingston, Ontario, March 9, 1990.

One God, one Christ, one medicine

Perhaps our closest neighbor is our husband or wife. Christ Jesus advised that those who marry "are no more twain, but one flesh.


Mary Baker Eddy's love for the practice of Christian Science never wavered. She saw practical demonstration as utterly essential to the continuance and growth of Christian Science.

For several years The Mother Church has been facing this question: how to bring more of the public to Christian Science lectures in Boston. We've been finding that the beginning of the answer is to ask instead, How do we bring Christian Science lectures to the Boston public? We have noticed that no matter how much we spent on advertising for a Christian Science lecture in the Boston community, most of those attending turned out to be church members.

"And it shall come to pass..."

The prophet Isaiah glimpsed it through divine inspiration: a child would be born of a virgin and would become known as mankind's Saviour. God's omnipotent government would be made plain through an unparalleled advent of spiritual understanding.

More fully accepting the gift

A friend gives you a surprisingly generous gift. It shows tremendous thoughtfulness and discernment.

Sexual standards and spiritual commitment

A man was having a private struggle. The world around him suggested that there was really nothing all that wrong with the sensual thoughts he was having and the actions these thoughts were prompting.

A Thanksgiving imperative: Continuous seasons of charity

People's capacity to want to give, to help, to save, is evident everywhere. We see it in many ways: in concern for the earth, in charitable contributions, in what neighbors do for one another.

Spiritual conviction heals

An article entitled "Those healthy-minded Christian Scientists" appeared recently in a provincial Canadian newspaper, The Whigstandard . The Whig-Standard, Kingston , Ontario, March 9, 1990.