Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
A man was having a private struggle. The world around him suggested that there was really nothing all that wrong with the sensual thoughts he was having and the actions these thoughts were prompting.
People's capacity to want to give, to help, to save, is evident everywhere. We see it in many ways: in concern for the earth, in charitable contributions, in what neighbors do for one another.
An article entitled "Those healthy-minded Christian Scientists" appeared recently in a provincial Canadian newspaper, The Whigstandard . The Whig-Standard, Kingston , Ontario, March 9, 1990.
Suppose you've never heard of Christian Science or of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Suppose you come from a different culture, have been brought up in a religion other than Christianity.
We were watching a little fellow who's almost five as he helped first his dad, then a next-door neighbor, and finally us as we shoveled out from a new snowfall. I wish you could have seen this fellow—his face truly was angelic.
Agendas serve as useful guidelines for action. Far from being a straitjacket, a good agenda gives a framework for activity and provides an orderly plan of procedure.
Navigating safely in strong winds takes special care. A commercial airline pilot I know described the phenomenon called "wind shear.
Road signs that say "Blasting area: turn off two-way radios" or "Wrong way: go back" might not seem very exciting, until we have a vivid experience of the reasons for paying attention to them! Following the rules is occasionally thought to be boring and restrictive. But if we tend to feel that way in connection with Christian Science, it's an indication we are missing something utterly basic— the true dimensions of scientific Christianity.
Christ Jesus , in his unique role as the Son of God, sowed the seed of truth in a remote area of Palestine centuries ago, and Christianity took root in human hearts. Even though Jesus never traveled a great distance during his ministry, his teachings have reached throughout the world today.
First questions about Christian Science often have to do with whether Christian Scientists are the people who believe in spiritual healing. Sometimes follow-up queries relate to what one would do in hypothetical situations.