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An interim report from the Clerk of The Mother Church

The Mother Church lectures: unfoldment of an idea

From the December 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For several years The Mother Church has been facing this question: how to bring more of the public to Christian Science lectures in Boston. We've been finding that the beginning of the answer is to ask instead, How do we bring Christian Science lectures to the Boston public?

We have noticed that no matter how much we spent on advertising for a Christian Science lecture in the Boston community, most of those attending turned out to be church members. A lecture includes "a true and just reply to public topics condemning Christian Science,"1 as Mrs. Eddy requires in the Manual of The Mother Church. Isn't it natural, then, that the public should be there to hear it?

So, during the last couple of years, a concerted effort has gone into making lectures more accessible to those seeking spiritual answers and comfort who aren't church members. And we've found that "flexibility" is the key word! Each instance requires a prayerful foundation, which results in a unique approach.

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