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Testimonies of Healing

A number of years ago, when our daughter was...

From the December 1990 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A number of years ago, when our daughter was a young child, frequent and painful urination was diagnosed as a symptom of a severe kidney disease. The treatment prescribed happened to be quite painful, and it took both my husband and me to get our daughter to the doctor's office. We were told that there was no medical cure for this progressive disease and that we could expect frequent acute attacks throughout the child's lifetime.

I was a lifelong Christian Scientist, so I knew that Christian Science heals. My parents had both had fine healings; my mother had been healed of rheumatoid arthritis, and my father had been healed of blood poisoning. I grew up a very happy, healthy, and carefree child. My husband, however, was not a Christian Scientist, and we did not seek Christian Science treatment for our daughter at first.

One weekend, our daughter began to experience the difficulty again. This time I called a Christian Science practitioner for help through prayer. She asked me to study a Bible verse. Even though this took place many years ago, I can remember the total trust in God that made me feel completely at peace with the decision to rely on God.

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