Two years ago I suddenly developed considerable pain in my abdomen. I had been raised in Christian Science and had found it helpful throughout my life, but I was not at that time a practicing Christian Scientist. At my request, a Christian Science practitioner prayed for me and the extreme pain subsided. However, when the difficulty persisted, I chose to discontinue Christian Science treatment and seek medical attention.
After I had undergone three days of examinations and tests, I was told that there was no medical prognosis. More tests were in order. As I was thinking about all this, the thought came strongly that my real need was to turn completely and exclusively to God. So I had no further medical tests, and the practitioner and I returned to working together.
Thus began a wonderful learning experience and the "step by step" spiritual progress referred to in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy: "Step by step will those who trust Him find that 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.'" One early result of my turning wholeheartedly to God was the very quick healing of smoking. I am indeed grateful for this healing.