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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Several months ago I attended a legislative hearing conducted on the West Coast of the United States. Amendments to an existing law were being considered that would affirm a parent's right to practice responsible spiritual healing for his or her children without threat of criminal prosecution.

"...for you a light above the sun"

In The Chronicles of Narnia , a fantasy adventure tale for young people and adults, C. S.

Easter and our own spiritual journeys

I once tried to write an essay about one of my grandmothers. A couple of thousand words into the assignment I realized the difficulty of writing briefly about her.

The one divine communication

We are often tempted to substitute conversation about Christian Science for prayer. But the revelation of Christian Science does not advocate a general discussion of uplifting concepts in lieu of the specific prayer and regeneration that help the student progress.

Nurturing and nursing

The usual picture of a nurse is somebody in a white uniform who unselfishly and skillfully takes care of the sick: on call at all hours of the day and night, and ready to help. One of the most important roles of a Christian Science nurse is actively to maintain an atmosphere in the sickroom that is conducive to healing.

New energies

When Christian Science first burst onto the scene, what people saw was a group of church members acting as though Christianity were making a massive practical difference in their lives. It must have been quite startling.

"From profound Christian conviction": the power of forgiving

Last year I was traveling in a South American country only a few days before a national referendum was scheduled. Brightly colored banners were strung between lampposts.

Prayer that equips us to heal

Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people (Matt. 9:35).

Places of the heart

We all have places of the heart, places where we return from time to time to reaffirm what brings us together, but even more, to look forward to new journeys, new discoveries, new challenges. For readers of the Journal, new or longtime, the pages of this magazine have been such a meeting place.

For Principle, for humanity

Roads , bridges, libraries, courts, laws and justice—sometimes it's as if we thought they were natural phenomena like grass and trees. For long stretches of time we may act as though these aspects of organized society are simply there.