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Keeping the real goal in sight

From the February 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Sometimes it's amazingly easy to lose sight of what we're really about. This can happen in almost any activity. The baseball player, for example, who loses sight of being part of a larger team effort and starts aiming only to hit home runs can actually end up hurting his team. He swings for the fences and strikes out more often than he makes solid contact with the ball. Or a professional person, such as an attorney, can lose sight of justice and the real intent of the law. Then, he or she may believe that anything can be justified in order to "win" a case. And, almost all of us have had experiences where the style of an item was so catching that we ended up buying it and losing sight of what we originally intended to purchase.

Sometimes mistakes like these are relatively minor. The ballplayer can adjust the way he plays. Or we can return the item we purchased and then buy what we really need for a much more modest price. At other times, however, losing sight of our real purpose is not minor at all.

Take prayer, for instance. What is the purpose of prayer? Isn't it to commune with God, who is the infinite, divine intelligence? God is divine Mind, Christian Science reveals through a deep, spiritual understanding of the Scriptures. He is all good, with no evil or limited aspect to Him. Thus, truly to commune with Mind is to view or perceive life free of the false beliefs and personal restrictions that argue that man is subject to so much that is harmful and, as a result, fear-producing.

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