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No longer terrorized

From the March 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Violence that follows in the path of human aggression seems very present in the world. But there is something else that is visibly developing, and that is the conviction that evil and violence aren't simply inevitable. We don't have to cower before them as a cornered animal would shrink back from a menacing predator.

It's difficult sometimes to measure such moral and spiritual evolution. But when one moves from timid anxiety to the conviction that the world itself moves at the impulse of something far more profound and powerful than chaos and darkness, then people and periods move into a position to explore the power of God, divine Love.

There is a state of human consciousness, however, that simulates a bogus peace, when people concede to wrong and injustice and make unholy adjustments. There's usually a narcotizing effort at such a stage of struggle to dull one's hopes and spiritual aspirations so that disappointment isn't too sharply felt and doesn't become unbearable. In a way, this is often what the human, or mortal, mind does to fabricate stability and peace in life.

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