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Wednesday evening meeting: family time

From the March 1991 issue of The Christian Science Journal

He arrived from the "Children's Room" and trotted down the aisle to take a seat with his family, just as we finished singing the second hymn. As soon as the First Reader invited the congregation to testify, he was on his feet. He spoke touchingly about the healing of hurt and misunderstanding among friends. When he sat down, Dad put his arm around his six-year-old and pulled him close.

The Wednesday testimony meeting can be a special family time. For parents, it's an opportunity to be with their children in a unique way. For the entire membership, Wednesday evening meeting can be a way to bridge the distance between the Sunday School room and the church auditorium—a distance that is often greater than the several yards of hallway and stairs physically separating the two. The different generations sometimes feel shy with one another, wanting to communicate but not knowing where to begin. Listening together to the words of Truth and sharing success in the demonstration of Truth is loving one another as Christ Jesus expected his followers to love one another.

One ten-year-old says that he doesn't feel church is just for adults. "I like sitting there with everybody. It feels like family. I feel close to them. It's fun to hear how other people pray to God and are healed. I think about my own testimonies—the ones I have given or the ones I plan to give. Hymns are my favorite, next to the testimonies. I like singing hymns together in a group."

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